For the past ten years there’s been a rise in the discussion around personality disorders when we start talking about abuse and the toxic relationships we’ve been in or been close to.
And everyone’s got their passionate theories about the perfect victims of narcissists being those with ADHD, or being empaths, or being codependent (the most credible theory for me, but I digress).
And sure, if this kind of analysis helps you to put words to what you went through, then great.
…this is not the place from which you attract, cultivate and sustain a healthy, secure, dream relationship.
This is simply how you become a really passionate Narcissist Hunter. Or similar. It doesn’t actually address anything that will help you to move on to the next thing you’re looking for; healthy, wonderful love.
We stay in cycles because our own pattern of relating needs desperately to be addressed. That is the only way we can move forward. Once we learn to cultivate balance in ourselves and to heal past wounding, the world around us begins to respond so very differently.
The people we deem problematic will continue to exist. But what if they didn’t exist within you anymore? What if they became a distant memory? And what if your new world of relationships is so beautiful and bright and shiny, that it blasts the crap out of everything you thought you knew?
Wouldn’t you like to be living a new era of your life?
Come and join me in my membership and let’s make your relationship dreams a reality.
Check out your options on the button below.
P.s. if you’d like even quicker results and my focus, skills, and brain wizardry all to yourself, I have space for two new private clients this month. Book a call and let’s work some magic for you!