I almost married my worst abuser. I was young, I already believed I was damaged goods, and, typical of abusers, he confirmed this was the case, explicitly, over and over again. We were engaged, and I was happy to be chosen at all. Given how I already felt and what he...
Sure, the first time you share your traumas aloud with another person to witness you, is pretty significant. Some of the shame dies then, as you realise that what’s happened to you doesn’t make you disgusting or unlovable. That person witnessing you, if they’re good,...
You can heal and thrive, despite an earlier life of trauma. I’m Harris, the founder of the Center for Childhood Trauma Healing, and I’m thrilled to introduce a revolutionary program designed to bring affordable and effective treatment to those seeking to...
In a world where personal and professional connections are vital to our well-being, finding the right people to surround ourselves with can be a challenging task. But what if there was an exercise that could help you gain clarity on what you truly desire in your...
The End of Toxic Business: A Beacon of Hope in Mark Silver’s ‘Heart-Centered Business’ In a world where the principles of business have too often been rooted in profit at the expense of humanity and the planet, Mark Silver, a gifted business...