Library of Congress Petition

Library of Congress Petition

In the first three days of pre-sales alone, our history-making, first-of-its-kind book hit five best-seller charts, which has in turn inspired our publishers to petition the Library of Congress in the USA to add two new national book categories; ‘LGBTQ+...
Will You Make History with Me?

Will You Make History with Me?

Millions of books are published every year. But do you know how many of them are LGBTQ+ Business books? Zero. None. Not a single one. And yet, LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs and small business owners are completely ignored, despite the fact that we create more business and economic drive than any other group per capita.

Are you an Empath?

Are you an Empath?

Have you ever been told or felt that you were ‘too sensitive’? Do you tend to pick up on emotions or subtleties of people that others don’t seem to notice? Do you find yourself avoiding the news, or when you watch or read it, you get overwhelmed or very emotional? The...
4 Reasons Empaths Make Great Entrepreneurs

4 Reasons Empaths Make Great Entrepreneurs

When you’re drained and struggling with long hours and a dissatisfying job role, it can be difficult to find the energy required to balance so many different things, and therefore burnout, mental and emotional, can leave us feeling too depleted to complete our work to the best possible standard. And either we know we’re not doing things to the best standard, which makes us feel like we’re failing, or we know we’re doing all we can manage and are frequently criticised for it not being enough. Either way, years of this can end up causing us to believe we’re not good employees or that we’re lacking in some way.