This is Where Your Permanent Healing Begins

Three packages. Infinite possibilities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What areas of life can you help with?

So many areas of life are impacted or informed by trauma, so it makes sense that really any topic could come up. Things I can support with are neurodivergence, relationships (all kinds including polyamory), self-confidence, a/gender identity, a/sexuality, communication, family dynamics, codependency, attachment style, grief, death, launching, expanding, or running a business, work, dating, hobbies and passions, addiction, money, spirituality, manifesting, and so many other things. Anyone who’s ever been apprehensive to share particular things have never shared anything that was outside of my existing repertoire or experience; it seems most people have a lot of shame about things that are very common and totally okay to discuss in our work.

Is this a place where I can share my past?

Absolutely! Understanding the past is very helpful and often an important part of the process. But you will never be pressured into sharing more than you’re comfortable with and it’s possible to do healing work without going into details. It’s best to process trauma in as regulated a state as possible, so any detailed sharing you want to do is okay, but we might want to do that in a separate session to the processing.

How many sessions will we have and how often will we have them?

There are 12, 20, and 40 sessions in the above packages and I recommend that we do them weekly as much as possible. I’d encourage you to commit to finishing within the given timeframe in order to keep the momentum. The change happens very quickly if we keep the momentum, most people seeing significant changes by session 4.

Do I have to have diagnosed (complex) PTSD?

No, the majority of us who have PTSD or cPTSD will never be diagnosed and it’s not necessary. I work with the belief that you know yourself well enough to know when you need help, and to know when you feel better.

Do I have to start sessions immediately?

You don’t have to start this week, but I’d recommend you start within the next 2-3 weeks. It’s important for self-trust for us to follow through, and I can’t hold your space indefinitely.

Can much really change in 90 days?

Interestingly, 90 days seems to be the amount of time people need, providing they’re the right fit and at the right point in their process. And whilst talking therapies may be a long journey, trauma processing can be just as quick as when it happened in the first place (but in the positive!). Because we’re giving your brain emotional experiences that are helpful, it’s powerful and relatively quick, in the grand scheme of things.

I have complex mental health issues. Do you work with people like me?

It really depends. I would never turn someone away because of their diagnoses, but it depends greatly on the individual’s stability and willingness to do deep work and change. For folks with things like DID who are still far away from integration, I would recommend you to a colleague of mine who has great training and experience in this area (and there may be DID funding available for UK residents). If you’re unsure, please book a call and let’s have a chat.

Do I have to be LGBTQ+/neurodiverse/an empath to work together?

Not at all. If you’re ready to do the work and vibe with me and my approach, then I’m very happy to work with you.

How does trauma processing actually work?

Unlike talking therapies, we’re giving the brain different experiences that help to transform the emotional baggage and help it to move forward and change. This is a blend of inner child work, IFS, emotional integration, IRRT, NLP, TimeLine Therapy and anything else that feels right. We explore these ideas together; there is no script, it’s whatever feels right for you and I help to guide you through making that decision enthusiastically, as we go along. Your intuition is a great guide for the work, and I help you to learn to listen to your body’s yes and no. You can watch the video at the top of this page for more information.