There comes a time where we have to acknowledge that the way we’ve been doing things just isn’t cutting it anymore.
As life and relationships change and flow, we change, the challenges change, so it’s reasonable to expect that the things that used to help us to manage might be falling flat, or even causing some minor mayhem.
And maybe you’re just bloody exhausted from plate spinning?
One of the things that can change us forever is letting go of hyper-independent ‘I can do this on my own’ and actually baring your imperfections to the world. And maybe even to people you know who you can feel are bursting to give you their two cents.
It’s okay if this is terrifying. I can’t claim to be cool as a cucumber when I have to go through things like this. But it is a million times easier than it used to be since I was forced to stop running from myself and actually deal with what I was carrying.
So are you going to wait for life to force you into that position, where you can’t ignore it anymore because it’s shoved right in your face with no escape? Or are you going to deal with it before life kicks you right in the nads?
So I invite you to take any avoidance, or ‘I’ll do it later’, or fear, and chuck it in the f*k it bucket. Life really is too short.
My turning point was a brush with cancer at 25. In my experience, life has a habit of saying to us ‘we can do this the easy way, or the hard way’. Speaking from experience, the easy way takes courage, but you will avoid singed eyebrows, which is very much not in fashion right now.
Tell me if I can help you.