I dare you…
Fortune favours the brave, and before anyone argues with me that they’re not particularly brave….yes you are yes you are yes you are yes you are yes you are yes you are.
I haven’t met many people who haven’t been royally kicked in the nuts by life at least a few times. And you’re still here. So there! I win, you’re brave.
With these life challenges they can cause us to feel a little wonky, and by extension, our relationships can go a bit wrong sometimes. And suffering through those challenges and relationship disruptions or disconnections can make life feel a little grey.
I dare you to do something different. Because if nothing changes, nothing changes.
I invite you to come and have a conversation with me. I will help you as much as I can without having any kind of agenda other than to help you. And if after that you want to have a discussion about working together, then great, if not, it will have been a pleasure to meet you. You won’t regret it!
I dare you.