Sounds simple right? Surely in this day and age it’s pretty straight forward? Millions of books are published every year. But do you know how many of them are LGBTQ+ Business books?
Zero. None. Not a single one.
And yet, LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs and small business owners are completely ignored, despite the fact that we create more business and economic drive than any other group per capita.
So even though LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs make up a significant proportion of the entrepreneurial world, we’ve never once had a business book written by and for us. And make no mistake, it’s absolutely a result of exclusion. In the decades since homosexuality was legalised in the UK and other Western countries, not one publisher has backed an LGBTQ+ business book.
But we want to change that – don’t you? We decided to do something about it and so can you. Help to blow this up and we can change this story forever and take our place at the table. Please pre-order a kindle copy for just a few bucks and…
Make history with us.
Help us to get the first book of its kind to reach #1 and make way for the thousands of LGBTQ+ business authors to come. Let’s change the future, together.
Thank you x