So many of my clients believe that their challenging relationships could be turned around, if only they could explain the issue with just the right combination of words.

The most common symptom of relational trauma is trying to win the love of the wrong people. To convince them to love you properly.

We get stuck in this addiction loop of trying to win the slot machine game that is their love, care, and respect. ‘They were nice to me that one time last month…so surely I can score again!’.

What they do is outside of your control, no matter how influential you believe you could be. What is within your control is getting out of the cycle altogether.

This is the space where healthy love can finally come to you. We are all wired for secure connection. Some of us just need a little of the right help to get back to where we were always meant to be; loved.

Let’s make it happen for you. I have two 1:1 spaces available this month.

Comment below and let’s make it happen!